Call for pitches (May/June)

The Sask Dispatch is accepting pitches for our unthemed May/June issue. Pitches are due Wednesday, January 4, 2023.
What we’re looking for:
The Sask Dispatch publishes articles about Saskatchewan on a range of topics, including provincial and municipal elections, grassroots activism, Indigenous rights, arts and culture, economic justice, ecology, gender equity, harm reduction, and more. We approach these topics from an anti-capitalist and anti-colonial perspective, often seeking to intervene in mainstream media narratives.
We publish articles in a range of styles, including non-fiction articles, in-depth news stories, investigative journalism, personal essays, interviews, op-eds, and photo essays.
How to pitch:
Your pitch should be between 1-3 paragraphs, and should tell us what ground your article will cover, what interviews or examples you plan to include, an estimated word count, and why you’re the right person to write this article. Please send pitches to Emily[at]
If you’ve never written for the Dispatch before, please also include a writing sample with your pitch.
Our standard rates of pay for articles are as follows:
$100 – Profiles, short essays, and reviews (generally <1,000 words)
$200 – Feature stories (generally 1,000-1,500 words), photo essays
$300 – Research-based articles and investigative reportage with extensive primary research (generally 1,500-2,000 words)